Municipalization of public security: the role of the Municipal Guard in the jurisprudence of the STF and STJ
Municipalização da segurança pública: a atuação da Guarda Municipal na jurisprudência do STF e STJ
This text aims to discuss the performance of the municipal guard considering the Jurisprudence of the Federal Supreme Court and Superior Court of Justice on the subject. To this end, learn about the decisions of the STJ and STF regarding municipal public security. Analyze decisions to reflect the understanding of the bodies. Propose possible suggestions for improving the activity of the municipal guard. The method used is dialectics, considering that, through this perspective combined with the qualitative approach, it is possible to promote responses that lead to critical reflection on the topic. The results indicate that both the STF and the STJ understand that it is not up to the municipal guard to carry out investigations and investigations (police powers), as they do not have these responsibilities. The text is expected to promote concerns and academic contributions on the topic so that other academic research in the field of public security, citizenship and human rights can be developed in the Amazonian context.
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