Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Mortality trend in the Federal District, Brazil, 2000- 2020

Tendência da mortalidade por leucemia linfoblástica aguda no Distrito Federal, Brasil, 2000-2020




Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia;, Mortality Registries;, Ecological Studies;, Time Series Studies;, Brazil


Objective: To identify the trend and spatial distribution of deaths from ALL from 2000 to 2020 in the Federal District, Brazil. Method: This is ecological time series study in which data were obtained from Brazil's Mortality Information System. The population was obtained through death certificates and investigation forms of the underlying cause of death classified by code C91.0 for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in the International Classification of Diseases from 2000 to 2020 in the Federal District, Brazil. Statistical analysis was performed using Prais-Winsten linear regression. Results: The deaths from ALL predominantly occurred in male (51.70%), single (60.41%), and white (52.16%) subjects, as well as in those with four to seven years of schooling (27.37%). During the last 20 years, ALL mortality increased among subjects aged 0-4 and 50-59 years, with increment rates of 9.0% and 8.7% respectively. In children, ALL generally has a short latency time, progressing more quickly and invasively. Conclusions: Knowledge regarding mortality patterns for ALL in the Federal District will allow optimizing the allocation of federal and local resources, as well as understanding gaps in diagnosis and specific therapies that still need attention on the part of public policy makers.


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Como Citar

Andrade, A. M., Illenberger , N. ., Saldanha-Araújo, F. ., Figueiredo , A. C. M. G. ., & Carvalho , J. L. . (2024). Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Mortality trend in the Federal District, Brazil, 2000- 2020: Tendência da mortalidade por leucemia linfoblástica aguda no Distrito Federal, Brasil, 2000-2020. Concilium, 24.


