Francis Bacon and the Scientific Revolution: a new interpretation of nature?

Francis Bacon e a Revolução Científica: uma nova interpretação da natureza?




This article examines the interpretation of nature from the perspective of Francis Bacon (1561-1626), highlighting how his ideas influenced the development of modern science. Francis Bacon proposed a revolutionary approach to scientific and philosophical investigation, emphasizing empirical observation and controlled experimentation. His main work, Novum Organum, published in 1620, introduced the inductive method as a means of discovering truths about nature, criticizing the Aristotelian deductive approach. Furthermore, Bacon emphasized the importance of experimentation as a way to avoid biases and distortions in human thought, introducing the theory of idols to explain the pitfalls of thinking. His contributions to modern science include the promotion of the scientific method and the valuing of experimentation as pathways to seeking truth. It is concluded that the philosopher left an indelible mark on the history of science, reminding us of the importance of empirical observation, experimentation, and the systematization of knowledge, which ultimately influenced the development of science in the following centuries.


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Como Citar

Feitosa, C. C. ., Moreira, B. da S. L. ., Cardoso, R. M. S. ., dos Santos, M. E. F., Faccioli , G. G., dos Santos, . N. D. ., & Costa, J. S. F. . (2024). Francis Bacon and the Scientific Revolution: a new interpretation of nature? Francis Bacon e a Revolução Científica: uma nova interpretação da natureza?. Concilium, 24.


