Scientific production about the influence of health literacy during the gestational period

Produção científica acerca da influência do letramento em saúde durante o período gestacional




Health literacy;, assistance;, pregnancy.


Introduction: Health literacy is crucial for pregnant women's ability to access, understand, and use health information. Objeivo: to assess its impact on the quality of care during pregnancy. Method: An integrative review was conducted using LILACS, MEDLINE, and BDENF databases. Results: highlighted the influence of inadequate health literacy on prenatal care and interventions promoting health literacy during pregnancy. Conclusion: Healthcare professionals must recognize and address health literacy challenges in pregnant women to enhance care quality. Strategies focusing on health literacy promotion can empower individuals, promote awareness, and improve healthcare outcomes during pregnancy.


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Como Citar

Sacramento, L. S. do ., Zatta, L. T. ., Bernardes, C. de P., Mendonça, L. M. ., Butrico, G. F. de O. ., Silva, L. M. ., & Souza, J. C. de . (2024). Scientific production about the influence of health literacy during the gestational period: Produção científica acerca da influência do letramento em saúde durante o período gestacional . Concilium, 24.


