Impact of pine processionary caterpillar toxins in canine: Clinical implications and treatment of a severe case

Impacto de toxinas de lagarta-do-pinheiro em canino: Implicações clínicas e tratamento de um caso grave




Thaumetopoea pityocampa, Veterinary Toxicology, Sepsis, Urticating Hairs


This case report details the clinical consequences of a dog's contact with the pine processionary caterpillar (Thaumetopoea pityocampa), emphasizing the relevance of this issue in endemic areas. The study describes a seven-month-old German Shepherd that presented with lingual edema, necrosis, and systemic signs of sepsis following contact with the caterpillar. Therapeutic interventions included the removal of urticating hairs, the use of corticosteroids, antibiotics, nutritional support, and induced coma to control pain and inflammation. The animal's recovery was successful after intensive treatment. This case highlights the need for rigorous preventive measures, such as the destruction of nests and the use of insecticides, in addition to raising awareness among pet owners about the risks. The conclusion underscores the lack of specific treatments for the toxins of the pine processionary caterpillar and the need for further research to improve the clinical management of these intoxications.


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Como Citar

Eduarda da Silva, P. ., Emanuelle Oliveira de Miranda, K., Garcia Lopes, M., Jaci Daher Felix, A., Terezinha Falleiro Kucera, D., Teixeira Buarque, L., Moraes Carraro, L., Miguez Ribeiro, Y., Gabellini Leonel Alves, E., & Rodrigues Rosado, I. (2024). Impact of pine processionary caterpillar toxins in canine: Clinical implications and treatment of a severe case: Impacto de toxinas de lagarta-do-pinheiro em canino: Implicações clínicas e tratamento de um caso grave . Concilium, 24(12), 372–386.


