The incorporation of organizational integrity culture in outsourced service provision

A incorporação da cultura de integridade organizacional na prestação de serviços terceirizados


  • João Jorge Massaneiro da Silva UNIVILLE
  • Marcelo Leandro de Borba Universidade da Região de Joinville (UNIVILLE)
  • Kristian Madeira Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense (UNESC)
  • Érica da Silva Sipriano Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense (UNESC)



Culture of Integrity, Compliance, Knowledge Management, Outsourcing


The research addresses the incorporation of a culture of integrity in outsourced service provision companies, with an emphasis on knowledge management and organizational learning. The study examines the challenges faced by these companies in disseminating a culture of integrity among their employees, who often operate far from the physical structures of the employers. The methodology adopted includes both qualitative and quantitative analysis, using questionnaires and data analysis to explore employees' perceptions of the culture of integrity. The Ethical Climate Index (ECI) is utilized to measure employees' attitudes and perceptions regarding ethical issues in the workplace, while theoretical models of knowledge management are applied to investigate the transfer and assimilation of the culture of integrity. The findings indicate that, although companies implement Integrity Programs, the effective incorporation of a culture of integrity faces obstacles such as physical distance from company headquarters and limited socialization among employees, which can weaken the incorporation of organizational values. The study concludes that continuous efforts and organizational commitment are crucial to overcoming these challenges and reinforcing the culture of integrity. Future research is suggested to investigate more effective engagement strategies across different sectors and organizational contexts.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

Silva, J. J. M. da, Borba, M. L. de, Madeira, K., & Sipriano, Érica da S. (2024). The incorporation of organizational integrity culture in outsourced service provision: A incorporação da cultura de integridade organizacional na prestação de serviços terceirizados. Concilium, 24(12), 89–100.


