Loss of sense of belonging in school communities relocated from riverside areas in the Amazon

Perda do sentimento de pertencimento de comunidades escolares remanejadas de área ribeirinha na Amazônia


  • Edney Costa Souza Universidade Federal de Rondônia
  • Gleimiria Matos Universidade Federal de Rondônia - UNIR
  • Alessandro Lubiana Universidade Federal de Rondônia - UNIR
  • Maria Luiza Costa Matos Universidade Federal de Rondônia




Regional development, Feeling of belonging, Riverside communities


The feeling of belonging is related to the perception and sensation of being part of something greater, such as a community, a family, a group, or a nation. The present research aimed to analyze whether research participants provide information that could lead to an understanding of the loss of a sense of belonging due to community relocation. The research was methodologically structured as qualitative and descriptive research, as it sought to understand the community's loss of a sense of belonging. The results were obtained through the application of semi-structured interviews in a formative study, revealing that the relocation of the school within the community generated a sense of emotional disconnection and identification with the environment among the people. It is indeed a fact that when someone experiences a sense of belonging, they typically feel integrated, accepted, and valued. Content analysis was conducted based on the results, and the conclusions indicated the loss of a sense of belonging among the interviewees regarding the relocation of the community from the banks of the Madeira River, due to the construction of a hydroelectric plant.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

Souza, E. C. ., Matos, G., Lubiana, A., & Matos, M. L. C. . (2024). Loss of sense of belonging in school communities relocated from riverside areas in the Amazon: Perda do sentimento de pertencimento de comunidades escolares remanejadas de área ribeirinha na Amazônia. Concilium, 24(7), 417–431. https://doi.org/10.53660/CLM-3210-24G40


