Running and active aging: a mixed study on the reasons for practice, lifestyle and performance

Corrida e envelhecimento ativo: um estudo misto sobre os motivos de prática, estilo de vida e desempenho




Aging, Motivation, Lifestyle, Performance, Races


The practice of physical exercise is crucial for an active and healthy aging. In this sense, this research investigated aspects related to the reason for practicing among half marathon and marathon runners, verifying characteristics regarding performance and lifestyle, in different age groups, through a mixed approach of concomitant triangulation. 281 people participated in this research, with a mean age of 43.15 years (SD = 11.04), with a predominance of self-declared white individuals (n = 191, 67.97%), with complete specialization (n = 94, 33 .45%) and income higher than 10 minimum wages (n = 60, 21.70%). Health was listed as the main one, followed by the variables pleasure, stress control, sociability, competitiveness and aesthetics, with differences being found between some age groups in the aesthetic and pleasure dimensions. It was observed that running contributed to the adoption of healthier habits. As for performance, there was a tendency to decrease with age.


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Como Citar

Carvalho, L. da S. de ., & Rebustini, F. (2023). Running and active aging: a mixed study on the reasons for practice, lifestyle and performance : Corrida e envelhecimento ativo: um estudo misto sobre os motivos de prática, estilo de vida e desempenho. Concilium, 23(18), 701–725.


