Diversity of cellulolytic fungi in different land use systems in the Amazon

Diversidade de fungos celulolíticos em diferentes sistemas de utilização do solo na Amazônia


  • Josimar Chaves UFRR
  • Maria Lorrayne de Araújo Leal
  • Sandoval Menezes de Matos
  • André Ferreira Silva
  • Adnelson Jati Batista
  • Valdeídes Marques Lima
  • Hipólito Ribas Pereira
  • Manoel Raimundo Barreira Dias
  • Marcelo Figueira Pontes
  • Oziel Furquin Pinto
  • Arnaldo Gonçalves de Matos
  • João Pedro Santos do Nascimento
  • Edileusa de Jesus dos Santos
  • Robson Pereira Silva
  • Raimundo de Almeida Pereira
  • Rayelly Bezerra da Silva
  • Gabriel Carvalho Gomes
  • Severino Manuel da Silva




Quantitative assessments of the population density of the microbial community in soils are important to establish ecological relationships that occur in the soil and to identify factors that influence the management of agroecosystems. Therefore, the objective was to quantify the cellulolytic fungi present in the soils of three use and management systems in the Amazon. The studied areas consisted of intercropped cultivation with gliricidia, orange and banana; area with orange and forest essence and native forest area. In each area, soil samples were collected at depths of 0-10 and 10-20 cm, placed in sterile plastic bags, duly identified, and stored in a thermal box and later in a cold chamber (4 ºC). The quantification of cellulolytic organisms was obtained by suspending the soil, using a specific culture medium. The cultures were incubated in a B.O.D oven at 28°C for 37 days. The estimate of the number of viable cells was made using the most likely number (MPN). The results show that the soil with the gliricidia, orange and banana intercropping has a higher population of cellulolytic microorganisms, this group is strongly influenced by the local vegetation cover, thus proving to be an alternative for intercropping systems with agricultural crops, providing a greater biodiversity of microorganisms in the soil, in addition to helping to provide nutrients for the species.


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Como Citar

Chaves, J., Leal, M. L. de A. ., Matos, S. M. de ., Silva, A. F. ., Batista, A. J. ., Lima, V. M. ., Pereira, H. R. ., Dias, M. R. B. ., Pontes, M. F. ., Pinto, O. F. ., Matos, A. G. de ., Nascimento, J. P. S. do ., Santos, E. de J. dos ., Silva, R. P. ., Pereira, R. de A. ., Silva, R. B. da ., Gomes, G. C. ., & Silva, S. M. da . (2023). Diversity of cellulolytic fungi in different land use systems in the Amazon : Diversidade de fungos celulolíticos em diferentes sistemas de utilização do solo na Amazônia . Concilium, 23(9), 240–249. https://doi.org/10.53660/CLM-1347-23K52


