The challenges of an inclusive study on sedimentary rocks for students in the 6th grade of elementary school

Os desafios de um estudo inclusivo sobre rochas sedimentares para alunos do 6º. ano do ensino fundamental




Understanding Physical Geography and its learning processes in the school environment often leads us to a traditionalist conception that was perpetuated for many years, with a descriptive geography with German characteristics and many contents that involve memorization. Currently, thinking about learning results in enabling a practical and interactive content that should be worked with children aged 11 and 12 years. As a methodological proposal, we seek to build paths for the understanding of Physical Geography, valuing the student's daily life. To this end, this extensionist proposal includes integrative activities on the theme of Sedimentary Rocks, thinking about pedagogical strategies integrating socio-environmental practices in the elaboration of didactic materials, scripts for field practices, including students in local and global realities, valuing their place and their learning time.



Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

Santos, C. D. dos . (2023). The challenges of an inclusive study on sedimentary rocks for students in the 6th grade of elementary school: Os desafios de um estudo inclusivo sobre rochas sedimentares para alunos do 6º. ano do ensino fundamental. Concilium, 23(8), 423–440.


