School inclusion at the crossroads Modern Post: ensuring access, permanence and learning for students with Special Educational Needs
A inclusão escolar na encruzilhada Pós Moderna: a garantia do acesso, permanência e aprendizagem dos educandos com Necessidades Educativas Especiais
This qualitative article aims to analyze how the guarantee of access, permanence and learning of students with special educational needs in regular schools has taken place. In the introduction, the perception of the problem, the specific objectives and the justification of the study are discussed. In the methodology, a qualitative approach and field research were used, as instruments for data collection, semi-structured interviews and data diagnostic activity, which were categorized based on Bardin's content analysis (1977). In the results and discussions, the following analysis categories were listed: (Re)thinking Inclusive Education: The voices of management; Teacher training: Pillars for Inclusive Education; The experiences of Inclusive Education: Participation of the family in the permanence and learning of the child; and Student knowledge: The theory and practice connection. In the final considerations, it appears that the school alone will not be able to organize inclusive education. It is necessary for families to join the school, for there to be greater commitment and political will to the issue of inclusion, which involves investment in the organization of physical, material and human conditions.
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