The relevance of innovative methodological practices in the teaching and learning process, nuances in a public school in Bahia
A relevância das práticas metodológicas inovadoras no processo de ensino e aprendizagem, nuances numa escola pública da Bahia
This article highlights the relevance of innovative methodological practices in the teaching and learning process in Elementary Level II schools. Therefore, it aimed to analyze such practices and their contribution to the learning of Elementary School II students in a public school in Bahia. From this perspective, the descriptive research type and qualitative approach were chosen, with a case study being carried out in the referred schools. The research results showed the following situations: consistent justifications were presented regarding the adoption of innovative pedagogical trends by teachers, on the other hand, continuing education was highlighted in terms of importance, despite not occurring on a regular basis. The challenges or obstacles pointed to the precariousness of physical infrastructure, the lack of didactic-pedagogical material, in addition, the lack of commitment of many teachers to their teaching practice was highlighted as a barrier to innovative practices. Finally, it was verified that the methodological practices have advantageous effects on learning, with this, the need for innovative educational proposals must be emphasized.
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