The importance of schooling for minors deprived of liberty in the Juiz de Melo Matos Socioeducational House
A importância da escolarização para menores privados de liberdade na casa socioeducativa Juiz de Melo Matos
This article aims to prove how Schooling is a powerful tool and a transforming agent in the life of each adolescent in conflict with the law who are under socio-educational measure at CASE-Casa de Assistência Socioeducativo Juiz Melo Matos, because through knowledge the students can be socially restored by acquiring, in fact, freedom through Education, whose reflection is demonstrated through resocialization and fulfillment of citizenship through their rights and duties. The bibliographic procedure was adopted referring to the subject under study in books, internet, magazines, etc. The field study was carried out through data collection carried out with the faculty, CASE measurement educators and the students of the aforementioned units. Through this study it was possible to prove the importance of Education as a mechanism of social reintegration and its reflection in the family, in society and in the psychological development for new opportunities in the professional field and motivators of Education.
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CRIANÇA E ADOLESCENTE. Disponível em: Acesso em 20/11/2021.
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HISTÓRICO DA EJA NO BRASIL. Disponível em: Acesso em 20/11/2021.
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PROPOSTA SOCIOPEDAGÓGICA da Comunidade de Atendimento Socioeducativo Juiz Melo Matos- CASE- Feira. Disponível em Acesso em 20/11/2021.