On the trails of intertextuality, the legend genre and textual production in Elementary School
Nas trilhas da intertextualidade, o gênero lenda e a produção textual no Ensino Fundamental
This article presents a discussion about intertextuality and its importance for reading, understanding and producing texts. It aims to analyze intertextuality as an expressive resource for the construction of meanings of a text and for the textual production in elementary school, focusing on the dialogue that the legend genre establishes with other textual genres and, from this analysis, to elaborate a proposal pedagogical to be worked in the classroom. The methodology chosen was bibliographical research. Based on these theoretical assumptions, some interpretative analyzes were carried out in verbal and non-verbal texts, aiming to identify the presence of intertextuality, and how this resource was used by its producers in the process of creation and construction of meaning. As a result of these analyses, some reading and text production activities were carefully prepared and organized, in a didactic sequence, as a suggestion of a pedagogical proposal, aimed at Portuguese teachers of the 6th year of elementary school, with the intention, in this way, to contribute to improving the quality of teaching textual production in Portuguese Language and Writing classes.
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