The spectacle of knowledge and the Psychology of Education in modernity: under the aegis of the construction of learning
O espetáculo do conhecimento e a Psicologia da Educação na modernidade: sob a égide da construção da aprendizagem
Society gains in its social environment a science that seeks, for plausible reasons, the idea of the human being. The adopted methodology was the bibliographical research. With that comes a new society, where transformation starts to challenge its education. Seeking to understand that current education suffers from a sequence of prejudices since inequality is its greatest challenge, the new education seeks to level these erroneous concepts that are incorporated into human action. Evaluating the system granted to the right and duty of the citizen, whose knowledge results in the psychological development of the being, is that the dynamics of this study will deal in its details with a psychology that transforms, dynamizes and clarifies every reason for being. Since psychology is the study of human behavior, nothing is more striking than inserting into this science the responsibility that should be maintained in the social environment, since moral issues elevate man to the principle that he should respect everyone.
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