Inclusive Education, a process of empathy and cooperation: obstacles to accessibility in school life and in pedagogical practice
Educação Inclusiva, um processo de empatia e cooperação: os entraves à acessibilidade no convívio escolar e na prática pedagógica
This article deals with Inclusive Education, the subject of current debates in education, in recent years, provoked by various segments of organized civil society, seeking to qualify the debate, in favor of an inclusive and quality proposal, therefore accessible. In this sense, the investigation was aimed at analyzing how Inclusive Education is understood, as well as highlighting the existing conflict and pointing out positive alternatives that facilitate an inclusive attitude and pedagogical practice in a public school in Bahia. In this way, bibliographical and field research took place on the light of the inductive scientific method in the qualitative methodology. It was concluded after analyzing the data that the lack of continuing education in the specific area of inclusive education, the lack of structural and environmental conditions, lack of didactic material and methodology are some of the obstacles that hinder the inclusion of many students.
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