The sensorially and socially adapted architecture: an analysis of the environment and its impact on the learning of students with (TEA)
A arquitetura sensorialmente e socialmente adaptada: uma análise do ambiente e seu impacto na aprendizagem dos discentes com (TEA)
This theme addresses the links between autism and built space, a theme on the rise in the scientific world around the world. The adopted methodology was the bibliographical research. As responsible for creating environments that meet the needs of their users, architects around the world seek to discuss the relationships between the architectural guidelines necessary for the construction of a space adapted to people with ASD. Bearing in mind that autism causes limitations in the individual's sensory perception and our senses, a discussion is necessary to understand the spatial influence on people with autism and how more friendly environments can be offered to their sensory needs. Despite the evidence of the importance of the environment for the learning of autistic people, the law does not guide or mention the adaptation of the physical space. The purpose of this paper is to identify, in the light of Space Syntax, a theory that studies the configuration of physical spaces and their influences on the relationships established upon them, the architectural criteria used in the elaboration of learning spaces aimed at people with ASD and how these criteria are configured in the analyzed projects.
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