Inclusive Education: the fullness of creating new possibilities, an art for those who learn and a challenge for those who teach
Educação Inclusiva: a plenitude de criar novos possíveis, uma arte para quem aprende e um desafio para quem ensina
This article addresses inclusive education from a practical and everyday perspective, in the contemporary world of globalization, with the ease of obtaining any and all information, the school is no longer the main agent of Education. The objective of this study is to make a brief reflection on the importance of including students with special educational needs in school as subjects who have social rights and duties, and to characterize some of the deficiencies that are common in the school context and how teachers can think about inclusion of these students inside the regular classroom without prejudice, without a critical look, but a constructive look. The methodological path is based on a literature review considering renowned authors on the subject and the laws that ensure the right to inclusive education in regular schools. The inclusion process can be a true teaching-learning relationship, a circular and non-linear relationship, in which each individual is sometimes the so-called learner, sometimes the so-called teacher. It is believed that the work of the pedagogue can guarantee the reception and development of students who need an inclusive education.
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