The Third Woman – A brief reflection based on the character Kate Foster from the series Workin' Moms

A Terceira Mulher – Uma breve reflexão a partir da Personagem Kate Foster da série Workin' Moms




Scholars of postmodernity point out that they live in fluid and polysemic times in which each person is invited to explore a multiplicity of experiences, to share intentions and to live according to their interests. The woman, for example, according to Lipovestsky (2000) ceases to occupy the singular role of housewife, provider of affections and expressive image of mothering, which would be characteristics that would define the first and second woman, and would start to walk a dissociated path of the prerogatives of masculinity, to choose their positions in the world of work, in political representation and to seize spaces and experience behaviors and attitudes that have long been conferred exclusively on men. Guided by these reflections, in this text we present elements to understand the third woman as the synthesis of postmodernity, identifying in the character Kate Foster from the series Workin´ Moms, elements that denote this multifaceted woman, articulating brief analyzes about the reality of insertion of Brazilian woman to loads of management and leadership in Brazil.


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Como Citar

Oliveira, E. dos S. M. ., & Schoeder, T. M. R. . (2023). The Third Woman – A brief reflection based on the character Kate Foster from the series Workin’ Moms: A Terceira Mulher – Uma breve reflexão a partir da Personagem Kate Foster da série Workin’ Moms. Concilium, 23(8), 304–317.


