Beyond school physical education: pedagogical mediation and the teaching and learning process
Para além de uma Educação Física escolar: mediação pedagógica e o processo de ensino e aprendizagem
This article has the objective of provoking a change of habits both in the view of the school community, as well as of students, teachers and professionals in the area of physical education, through the use of the various tools that school physical education has that can improve learning, and many times are not used for the formation of the individual. The methodology adopted a social, qualitative and quantitative research approach, in which research is part of the researcher's life, and this as a transforming agent of his/her reality. A survey was carried out with students and teachers of a municipal school, in the city of Lauro de Freitas, in the neighborhood of Itinga, a school with a very high level of aggressiveness in which drug trafficking is active, therefore it urgently needs sport as an agent. transformer of the current reality of this needy community. Data analysis came about through questionnaires applied during physical education classes, the results being faithful to the questions asked, obeying and respecting the anonymity of each one who so wished.
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