Within Special Education, teacher training and profile, lines that connect and cross in the inclusive school environment
No seio da Educação Especial, formação e perfil do docente, linhas que se conectam e se cruzam no ambiente escolar inclusivo
This article is written with emphasis on the history of Inclusive Education in Brazil, as well as highlights the national and international legal frameworks, from an inclusive perspective. As the general objective of analyzing the profile and training of the Inclusive Education teacher, in a municipality in Bahia, in view of the need and urgency of a full and egalitarian education, where rights are made possible and guaranteed to all students. In this, it is understood that not only People with Disabilities are part of those who benefit from inclusion, but all children, young people and adults who, for some reason, are distanced from their basic rights to education and social experience. It is a quali-quantitative research, through questionnaires and reality analysis. The inclusion of People with Disabilities is a politically correct proposal that represents important symbolic values. The results indicate that there is much to be done regarding inclusion, although this cause has advanced on the national scene, it is still not sufficient and effective in all places and schools. Finally, inclusion is born from an ideological principle in defense of equal rights and access for all citizens.
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