The CECAMPE Norte and its contributions to the consolidation and implementation of the Money Direct at the School Program (PDDE) in the municipality of Acará/PA: perspectives in analysis

O CECAMPE Norte e suas contribuições para a consolidação e execução do Programa Dinheiro Direto na Escola (PDDE) no município do Acará/PA: perspectivas em análise




This work presents a preliminary study about the Collaborating Center for Supporting the Monitoring and Management of Educational Programs – CECAMPE – North Region and its contribution to the consolidation and execution of the Direct Money at School Program (PDDE) in the municipality of Acará, the fundamental objective is to analyze and make available information regarding technical assistance and monitoring actions with regard to face-to-face training and visits to urban and rural/field schools that participated in the first stage of the CECAMPE Program in Acará.  The research method used was qualitative through observation instruments, interviews and document analysis in order to perceive the contributions of technical assistance and monitoring of CECAMPE’s actions in the municipality of Acará.  The initial results show that the PDDE is a fundamental program for basic education schools, because by making federal financial resources available, it allows the acquisition of goods and services that directly impact the development of pedagogical and administrative actions of the educational units and also strengthens the democratic management through the School Councils (Executing Units – Uex) which is responsible for the execution of the PDDE resources, carrying out the adhesion to the Program, the execution of the resource and the rendering of accounts with the instances of social and financial control.  The study under development will significantly contribute to the understanding of this public policy that since 1995 has been providing conditions for improving the quality of education in basic education schools in the country.


Não há dados estatísticos.

Biografia do Autor

Jéssica Costa Dias, Universidade Federal do Pará

Licenciada em Letras e graduanda em Pedagogia.

Afonso Welliton de Sousa Nascimento, Universidade Federal do Pará

Doutor em Educação.


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Como Citar

Dias, J. C., Nascimento, A. W. de S. ., & Cals e Souza, A. (2023). The CECAMPE Norte and its contributions to the consolidation and implementation of the Money Direct at the School Program (PDDE) in the municipality of Acará/PA: perspectives in analysis: O CECAMPE Norte e suas contribuições para a consolidação e execução do Programa Dinheiro Direto na Escola (PDDE) no município do Acará/PA: perspectivas em análise. Concilium, 23(6), 156–168.


