HQ workshop in science teaching: a perception between environmental issues and social inequality

Oficina de HQ no ensino de ciências: uma percepção entre questões ambientais e desigualdade social


  • Savio Figueira Corrêa Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto
  • Shirley da Silva Macedo Macedo
  • Karla Moreira Vieira Vieira
  • Cecilia Silva Monnerat Monnerat


Sustainability, Renewable Energy, Teaching Materials, Active Methodologies


Given the importance of pursuing interdisciplinary research and addressing the socio-environmental problems that affect our communities, this work explores the relationship between energy, the environment, and social inequality. To this end, the story of the film "The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind" was presented to a 5th-grade class at a public school in João Monlevade, MG, Brazil, with a focus on contextualizing the use of renewable energy through wind power. By using this film as a basis, it was possible to highlight the importance of environmental preservation and the sustainable use of energy in a way that is accessible to students of this age group, through the simple language of Physics concepts. To qualitatively assess the students' acquired knowledge, a comic book workshop was conducted, where each student created their own comic strip about the use of wind power, contextualized within their own social and economic realities. This approach allowed for a qualitative observation of the students' content assimilation, demonstrating the effectiveness of this resource in the interdisciplinary learning process.


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Como Citar

Corrêa, S. F., Macedo, S. da S. M., Vieira, K. M. V., & Monnerat, C. S. M. (2024). HQ workshop in science teaching: a perception between environmental issues and social inequality: Oficina de HQ no ensino de ciências: uma percepção entre questões ambientais e desigualdade social. Concilium, 24(18), 251–262. Recuperado de http://clium.org/index.php/edicoes/article/view/4100


