Traditional knowledge: digital business model for transfer, licensing and availability

Conhecimentos tradicionais: modelo de negócio digital para transferência, licenciamento e disponibilização


  • Daniel Avraham Bandeira de Oliveira UFAM


The objective of this work is to present a technological conception of a digital platform for the transfer, licensing and availability of traditional knowledge of Brazilian peoples, in a fair and equitable way. For this, Design Science was used as a methodology, with the objective of systematically and iteratively approaching the proposition of the digital business model, among other aspects relevant to the success of the platform. As a theoretical basis, the main problems related to the lack of transparency in the sharing of benefits arising from the exploitation of traditional knowledge associated with biodiversity in Brazil, as well as the benefits that the transparent sharing of these benefits can bring to the communities that hold this knowledge. With the proposed platform, it is expected that innovation systems can have easy access to available traditional knowledge, while communities can be adequately remunerated for the exploration of their traditional knowledge and practices, generating jobs and income.


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