Intersectionality, political rights and gender relations: interdisciplinarity in research on female participation in politics
A interseccionalidade, os direitos políticos e relações de gênero: a interdisciplinaridade na pesquisa sobre a participação feminina na política
Interseccionalidade, Inter/Transdisciplinaridade, Participação feminina na política, Estudos de Gênero, HeteronormatividadeResumo
The development of knowledge in the areas of humanities and social sciences has been transmuting and resizing the paths trodden for the understanding of complex phenomena, of an inter/transdisciplinary nature, which were once analyzed from methodical macromodels and theoretical frameworks circumscribed to the specific scientific field in which it was researched. This mode of elaboration of knowledge has been questioned, leading to the reflections that configure the objective of this article, which consists in the search and identification of new theoretical-methodological possibilities for the development of research dealing with the theme on political rights and gender relations, problematized in the causes of low female participation in Brazilian politics. For this, considering the reflective nature of the article, the method used is exploratory and basic. Considering the theoretical and prospective nature, the reflections developed sought to see the usefulness of intersectionality, inter/transdisciplinarity and transversality in studies involving the object theme of reflection, especially issues involving gender relations, the causes of low female participation in Brazilian politics and the possibilities of its expansion.
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