Study and evaluation of the oxidative stability of biodiesel commercialized in the Northern region of Brazil
Estudo e avaliação da estabilidade oxidativa do biodiesel comercializado na região Norte do Brasil
Oxidative stability, Biodiesel, Diesel, FuelResumo
This study sought to assess the panorama of the biodiesel issue in northern Brazil, referring to the physical chemical parameter of oxidative stability. Data were collected between the years 2020 and 2021 in the cities of Manaus and Porto Velho, through routine collections in the tanks of the distribution bases and analyzes carried out in the research and fuel testing laboratory (LAPEC) located at the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM). The results showed the disparity of the oxidative stability of biodiesel with the current standard, placing it beyond the minimum specification, affecting its mixture with diesel S10, however diesel S500 still remained below the maximum limit determined by the National Petroleum Agency, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP). Thus, investigations carried out on the action of diesel in its mixture with biodiesel, improving its oxidative stability, determined that the sulfur content represents a significant factor for this. Therefore, this work allowed prospecting the panorama of the quality of biodiesel in the northern region of the country, directing critical thinking towards the elucidation of the exposed bottlenecks.
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