Cordel literature in two 8th grade public school textbooks: reflections on literary literacy
A literatura de cordel em dois livros didáticos do 8º ano do ensino fundamental de escolas públicas: reflexões a partir do letramento literário
Literatura de Cordel; Livro Didático; Ensino Fundamental; Letramento Literário.Resumo
The present article has the general objective of conducting a comparative study between two Portuguese language textbooks for the 8th year of Elementary School – Final Years: “Singular e Plural: leitura, produção e estudos de linguagem”, by Balthasar and Goulart (2015) and “Tecendo Linguagens: Língua Portuguesa”, by Oliveira and Araújo (2018), used in municipal public schools in the city of Carpina-PE. Based on the assumptions of Literary Literacy developed by Cosson (2014), Marinho and Pinheiro (2012), the guidelines for the teaching of Portuguese language present in the PCN (BRASIL, 1997; 1998), the BNCC (BRASIL, 2018) and the Curriculum of Pernambuco (PERNAMBUCO, 2019), we analyze the data collected in order to reflect on the space of cordel in the textbook and its performance in the classroom. The methodology applied in this article is of qualitative approach with basic nature, explanatory objectives and bibliographic procedure. The results obtained demonstrate that cordel, even being present in the two selected textbooks, is not placed in a way that promotes literary literacy, being crucial the critical look of the teacher before the treatment given to cordel in the textbooks and its value for the formation of the student.
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