Social sustainability and family relations
Sustentabilidade social e relações familiares
Família, Desenvolvimemnto, Sustentabilidade, Relações, sociabilidadeResumo
As a result of the theme of social sustainability and family relationships and the extension of the sustainability and development categories, a need was perceived to investigate the importance of the family in contributing to a more cooperative and solidary sociability, more capable of promoting peace and dialogue and sustainable development. This article aims to identify which characteristics of family relationships favor social sustainability, establishing a connection between the contributions of family relationships and sustainable development. We will adopt a qualitative and interdisciplinary approach, through an exploratory bibliographic survey in books, reports, government websites and academic articles from Google Scholar, Scielo, Capes and Research Gate journals, which allowed us to consider that the family is the place where they are trained. the attitudes necessary for coexistence to be more humanized and sociability more proactive, characterized by cooperation and solidarity among its members, characteristics necessary for sustainable social development.
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