Cicatricial effect of Libidibia ferrea L. orabase formulation on traumatic ulcers oral in rats

Efeito cicatrizante de uma formulação orabase de Libidibia ferrea L. em úlceras traumáticas bucais de ratos



Cicatrização, Fitoterapia, Úlceras orais, Libidibia ferrea


The aim of this study was to evaluate the healing effect of an orabase ointment based on Libidibia ferrea L. on induced mouth ulcers in rats. This is an experimental "in vivo", descriptive, quantitative study using an experimental model in rats. The animals were divided into 3 groups: Group I (test), Group II (negative control) and Group III (positive control), and evaluated in periods of 1, 5 and 10 days after ulcerative induction. Regarding the diameter of the ulcers, the positive control group did not show a significant difference between the times tested (p=0.994). In the intergroup comparison, in the analysis on day 5, the diameters of the ulcers in the Jucá group were significantly smaller compared to the other groups (p=0.005). Regarding the weight of the animals, all groups increased or maintained their weight at the end of the ten-day period of the experiment. As for the histopathological pattern, there was a significant difference (p=0.002) between the groups, with a better result seen in the test group. There was a significant reduction in ulcers treated with L. ferrea L. orabase ointment when compared to the other groups, confirming the healing activity of the proposed herbal formulation.


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