Psychoanalytic perspective on the clinical case of a boy with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and suspected Fragile X
Perspectiva psicanalítica do caso clínico de um menino com transtorno déficit de atenção com hiperatividade (TDAH) e suspeita de X-Frágil
Psicoterapia, Psicanálise, TDAH, X-FrágilResumo
The objective of this paper is to describe and analyze, from the psychoanalytic theory point of view, the clinical history of Jonas, nine years old, who came to the psychotherapeutic service with complaints of learning difficulties, hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder (ADHD). Jonas is Mara and Mauricio's son, he is in the fourth grade of elementary school, lives with his mother, a kindergarten teacher. His father is a drug user. Jonas was diagnosed more than two years ago as having ADHD, has low school performance, and uses methylphenidate 20mg. His pediatrician suspects fragile X syndrome and referred him for specific tests. The psychotherapeutic follow-up was done through play in the psychoanalytic clinic, because through this technique it is possible to express fantasies, desires, and experiences symbolically. During the sessions, we noticed Jonas' interest in participating in the games and in the dialogues, and he showed affection for the psychotherapist. These data suggest positive transference. Jonas arranged his toys to play with, suggesting an attempt at internal organization.
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