Schizoanalysis and subjectivity: a contemporary look at corporeal transformations

Esquizoanálise e subjetividade: um olhar contemporâneo das transformações corpóreas


  • Maria Luzinete Vanzeler Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
  • Cláudia da Silva Pereira Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso - UFMT, Brasil.


Esquizoanálise, Produção da subjetividade, Poesia, Literatura


This article discusses issues related to the production of subjectivity from a schizoanalytic perspective. The subject was discussed trying to avoid concepts and technical jargon. In the theoretical part, some of the central ideas of schizoanalysis and its perspective of subjectivity formation, understood as the raw material of world constitution, are presented. In the practical part, the poem "Your body", by Ferreira Gullar, will be analyzed according to the aesthetic ethics of life valuation understood in Schizoanalysis. The modalities of body inscribed in contemporaneity will be questioned: the ideal body that serves as a model and standardized value, imposing itself without differentiation of class, gender or race, democratically printing an "imperative" of happiness, health, beauty and youth, resulting in effects of anxiety, depression, etc., and the body that seeks health, beauty, and youthfulness, not ideals, but in the sense of an appreciation of the body in its own unique potency, as a thinking and sensitive body, in the form of an acceptance that we are part of nature, that we depend on the environment that surrounds us.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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