Physiographic determinants of suicide mortality in Pernambuco: an ecological study
Suicide, Ecological Study, EpidemiologyResumo
Suicide is a serious and universal public health problem, reflecting a polysemic event with individual and collective repercussions. This study analysed aspects of suicide deaths in the state of Pernambuco, associating suicide indicators with physiographic factors. This is an ecological study, based on records of suicide deaths in Pernambuco from 1981 to 2020 from the Mortality Information System, using multiple linear regression to associate mortality indicators with extrinsic factors. The models constructed showed the influence of the proportion of trees, Gross Domestic Product and urbanisation. In this context, the most effective strategy for reducing the scale of suicide requires intersectoral interventions that impact on the population's quality of life and produce a healthier environment, taking on a character that goes beyond individual factors.
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