Artificial Intelligence and its relations with digital competencies and Education
This paper investigates the relationship between digital skills and the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in higher education, with an emphasis on the role of teachers. The research, through content analysis, explored 15 articles from the Web of Science and Scopus databases (2020-2024), using the Iramuteq software. The searches were carried out using the search terms “Artificial Intelligence” and “Digital Competence”. The results allowed us to verify that AI plays a relevant role in several stages of the teaching and learning process, from pedagogical planning to learning assessment processes. This ultimately highlights the need for teachers to develop digital skills, as a training that makes them more effective in using AI efficiently in developing students' skills. AI is seen as a tool that can enhance learning, helping students develop knowledge-based skills, such as problem-solving and content application. The study concludes that preparing educators to integrate these technologies is essential, ensuring that digital skills are taught and applied effectively, benefiting the teaching and learning process.
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