Antimicrobial prescription in the Intensive Care Unit: analysis of the mode and effect of failure
Healthcare Failure Mode and Effect Analysis; Anti-Infective Agents; Medication Errors; Intensive Care Units; Patient Safety.Resumo
Objective: To analyse the mode and effect of failures int the antimicrobial prescription process for patients in critical care in the Intensive Care Unit. Method: Qualitative study, in action research, with participant observation and focus group. In the first phase, the antimicrobial prescription process was mapped, risks were identified and improvement actions were planned. Results: Prescriptions were made in na electronic system and were made in na electronic form. The process had 20 activities ando ne subprocess. Thress main failure modes were identified and their causes were idenfied. Actions to reduce risks were planned. Experts redesigned the process resulting in changes to the way four activities were carried out, improvements to the system and inclusion of a new system. Final Considerations: The proactive analysis of the mode and effects of failures in the process of prescribing antimicrobials to Intensive Care patients proved to be practical and useful, enabling the definition of new planned actions to mitigate or control identified risks, resulting in a more efficient process, safer and best quality.
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