Aids, family, health professionals and care: an integrative review
Patient-Centered Care, Family, Patient Care Team, HIV, Acquired Immunodeficiency SyndromeResumo
Living with the human immunodeficiency virus is a weakening condition, so it is necessary to understand how the relationships between the social actors involved in the therapeutic processes occur. Summarize the scientific productions about people living with the human immunodeficiency virus, their families and health professionals, in relation to the perception of care during hospitalization. An integrative review study, carried out in indexed virtual databases, the synthesis of evidence occurred in a descriptive way. A total of 364 articles were identified and 43 were analyzed, 13 of which were systematic review studies, 10 were qualitative studies, 08 were quantitative studies, 05 were randomized, 04 were integrative reviews, 03 were mixed methods and one were a case study. It was evidenced that the presence of the family in the care process of people living with the human immunodeficiency virus is a positive factor in the treatment, but the patient and family-centered care model is not fully implemented in health institutions. There is a need for health professionals who meet the demands of listening, touch, sensitivity and with scientific knowledge.
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