Nursing procedures for assisting victims of violence in emergency units



Forensic nursing, Violence, Validation study, Emergency medical services, Legal rights, Nursing care


The objective of this study was to carry out the cross-cultural adaptation of the Questionnaire on Preservation of Traces in Victim Assistance by Nurses to the Brazilian reality. The method used was composed by the steps: (1) semantic equivalence; (2) idiomatic equivalence; (3) empirical equivalence; (4) conceptual equivalence; and (5) pre-test. Based on the experts' analysis and recommendations, adjustments were made regarding semantic and empirical equivalence; during the assessment of idiomatic and conceptual equivalence, no changes were made. The pre-test was performed with 24 nurses and the value of Cronbach's alpha coefficient was α = 0.973. The instrument's feasibility assessment showed that most participants found it easy to understand the questionnaire's instructions and questions and mark the answers, which demonstrates its validity with the sample in the pre-test. The performance of the forensic nurse is essential in emergency services. The adapted instrument is valid for use in the Brazilian context.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

Carvalho, J. F. O. de ., & Guilhem, D. B. . (2024). Nursing procedures for assisting victims of violence in emergency units. Concilium, 24(19), 554–565. Recuperado de


