Canine cutaneous mastocytoma: case report



Dog, Histamine, Mast cell, Neoplasia, Tumor


Mast cell tumor is a neoplasm with a high incidence in dogs, whose etiopathogenesis and etiology are poorly understood. Originating from the neoplastic proliferation of mast cells, they can be observed in the skin, mainly in the dermis, subcutaneous tissue, or in other organs. The tumors are often solitary, have a varied appearance and size and do not show a predilection for sex, but are observed with a higher incidence in breeds such as Golden Retriever and others. Treatment will depend on the degree of histopathological classification, tumor staging and patient prognosis. The objective of this case report was to describe the complete treatment of a neutered female dog, nine years and ten months old, Golden Retriever with high-grade mast cell tumor (III). The animal presented enlargement of the right mandibular lymph node and subcutaneous nodules, of firm consistency, attached to the right cervical region and without changes in hematological examinations. After an increase in tumor mass, cytoreductive chemotherapy with vinblastine was started, followed by nodulectomy of the right cervical region and supportive therapy. Since there has been no positive response, euthanasia was performed. Correct diagnosis helps in deciding on clinical and therapeutic management, ensuring better patient life support. However, the dog in this report had treatment unfeasible due to the diagnosis of a high-grade tumor that reduced her survival time.


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Como Citar

Mattos, K. C. M. de, Porto, N. S. ., Deleski, J. L. ., Matesco, V. C. ., & Gorczak, R. (2024). Canine cutaneous mastocytoma: case report. Concilium, 24(19), 506–517. Recuperado de


