Exploring health and depression in quilombola communities: a look at symptoms, negative self-rating, and intervention opportunities


  • Livia de Aguiar Valentim Universidade do Estado do Pará
  • Tatiane Costa Quaresma
  • Franciane de Paula Fernandes
  • Sheyla Mara Silva de Oliveira


Health Disparities, Mental Health, Cultural Competency, Socioeconomic Factors, Health Promotion


This study aimed to explore health and depression in quilombola communities, focusing on health symptoms, negative self-assessment, and intervention opportunities. A cross-sectional survey was conducted in two riverside quilombola communities in the Amazon region of Pará, with a sample of 63 households, totaling 256 people. The collected data were analyzed using statistical methods. Commonly reported physical symptoms included frequent headaches (42.86%), poor appetite (19.05%), and back pain (48.33%). Emotional symptoms such as feeling nervous, tense, or worried (55.56%) and sadness (30.16%) were also prevalent, and although not the focus of the study, the mention of suicidal ideation drew attention. The study revealed a significant association between feeling nervous, headaches, and negative self-rated health. These findings reinforce the need for interventions tailored to the specific needs of Quilombolas to promote their mental and physical health. In conclusion, understanding the profile and health conditions of quilombola communities is essential for the development of effective health programs. Health promotion in these communities requires integrated actions, cultural sensitivity, and community participation.


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Como Citar

Valentim, L. de A., Quaresma, T. C. ., Fernandes, F. de P. ., & Oliveira, S. M. S. de . (2024). Exploring health and depression in quilombola communities: a look at symptoms, negative self-rating, and intervention opportunities. Concilium, 24(19), 495–505. Recuperado de https://clium.org/index.php/edicoes/article/view/4240


