Analysis of oral and maxillofacial injuries in women victims of domestic violence



Facial Injuries, Domestic Violence, Expert Testimony, Violence Against Women, Traumatology


The study analyzed the profile of oral and maxillofacial injuries and the vulnerability factors of women victims of domestic violence, based on 662 reports made available by the 1st Specialized Police Station for Women's Assistance in Pernambuco. This is a secondary database research using a quantitative and qualitative approach to the variables present in the reports, from January 2020 to January 2024. The most affected age group was 21 to 30 years old, and the Most victims were single (40.12%), with a significant p-value. The main aggressors were male partners and ex-partners (95.30%). The most common injuries were caused by relevant instruments, equipment in the orbital and labial regions, and settings such as levels. In the analysis of generalized linear models (GLMs), no statistical differences were discovered regarding the level of detail in the reports produced by experts of both sexes (Pearson χ2= 432). The study highlights the vulnerability of young and single women to violence from intimate partners, highlighting the complexity and challenges of gender-based violence in society.


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Como Citar

Lemos, I. M. da S. ., da Silva, M. L. ., da Silva, R. F. S. ., Bushatsky, M. ., & Gomes, A. C. A. . (2024). Analysis of oral and maxillofacial injuries in women victims of domestic violence. Concilium, 24(19), 455–474. Recuperado de


