Fluid disorders and acute kidney injury in myocardial revascularization



Postoperative Period, Blood Volume, Waste Disposal, Fluid, Thoracic Surgery, Acute Kidney Injury


This is a retrospective observational study. The data were extracted from the physical and electronic medical records of patients undergoing post-myocardial revascularization with extracorporeal circulation admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of a tertiary-level teaching hospital in the Brazilian Midwest region. To collect data, a questionnaire was used with demographic, hemodynamic and laboratory records from July 2022 to September 2023. Descriptive analysis was carried out and, due to lack of symmetry in the data; Fisher's exact test and Mann-Whitney's U test were used. Results with an α of 5% were considered significant. The 41 patients included were predominantly male, older adults, overweight and of black ethnicity. Patients with fluid deficit developed Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) more frequently (60%). Fluid overload predominated in the first postoperative periods and fluid deficit occurred later. In general, patients with fluid overload presented KDIGO 3 AKI (p<0.001). I was concluded that fluid overload and/or deficit appears to impact renal function. Patients with fluid deficit developed AKI more frequently. However, severe AKI (KDIGO 3) occurred significantly in patients with fluid overload.


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Biografia do Autor

Guilherme Campelo Cruz, University of Brasília (UnB)

Nurse. Faculty of Ceilândia. University of Brasília (UnB), Brasília, Brazil.

Kamilla Grasielle Nunes Silva, Brazilian University Hospital.

Master in nursing. Brazilian University Hospital. University of Brasília (UnB), Brasília, Brazil.

Tayse Tâmara da Paixão Duarte, University of Brasília (UnB)

PhD in nursing. Assistant professor. Faculty of Ceilândia. University of Brasília (UnB), Brasília, Brazil.

Marcia Cristina da Silva Magro, University of Brasília (UnB)

PhD in nursing. Associate professor. Faculty of Ceilândia. University of Brasília (UnB), Brasília, Brazil.


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Como Citar

Cruz, G. C. ., Silva, K. G. N. ., Duarte, T. T. da P., & Magro, M. C. da S. . (2024). Fluid disorders and acute kidney injury in myocardial revascularization. Concilium, 24(19), 378–392. Recuperado de https://clium.org/index.php/edicoes/article/view/4220


