Anesthetic protocol for exploratory laparotomy in giant anteater (myrmecophaga tridactyla): case report

Protocolo anestésico para laparotomia exploradora em tamanduá-bandeira (myrmecophaga tridactyla): relato de caso



Wild Animals, Bleeding, Anesthetic Recovery, Volemic Therapy


The movement of the giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) in search of water and food causes a large number of accidents. The objective of this study is to describe the anesthetic protocol used in an exploratory laparotomy to control internal bleeding in a giant anteater. The animal was treated at the “Luiz Quintiliano de Oliveira” Veterinary Hospital of the Araçatuba School of Veterinary Medicine (UNESP) with a history of being run over. Midazolam was administered to restrain and position the animal during the physical and ultrasound examination, tramadol hydrochloride as premedication, and ketamine and midazolam for induction. Finally, anesthesia was maintained under inhalation anesthesia with isoflurane. Bradycardia during the transoperative period was corrected with a bolus of hypertonic solution (7.5% NaCl) and hydroxyethyl starch (Voluven®). The animal showed a satisfactory anesthetic recovery. Therefore, it is concluded that the anesthetic protocol is declared adequate for this procedure in giant anteaters.


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Como Citar

Siqueira, C. E. de, Pereira, M. E. A. ., Sabino, L. B. ., Repetti , C. S. F., Camolese , L. C., Silveira, B. C. R. da ., & Santos , P. S. P. dos . (2024). Anesthetic protocol for exploratory laparotomy in giant anteater (myrmecophaga tridactyla): case report : Protocolo anestésico para laparotomia exploradora em tamanduá-bandeira (myrmecophaga tridactyla): relato de caso. Concilium, 24(19), 283–291. Recuperado de


