Aging, race, and inequalities: challenges and injustices in the experience of black elderly people in Brazil



Ethnic-based Prejudice, Racism, Elderly People, Psychological Distress


The objective of this article is to analyze the intersections between aging, race, and inequalities, with a particular focus on the experiences of elderly Black individuals. It is a descriptive, exploratory case study with a qualitative approach, reflecting on the subjective trajectory of an elderly Black woman from Recife (Pernambuco), in the Northeast of Brazil. The methodology involved the use of a sociodemographic questionnaire and a semi-structured interview, with the narratives submitted to Orlandi's discourse analysis, grounded in a psychoanalytic framework. The results highlighted that the persistent impacts of structural racism shape the existence, reality, and identity of the interviewed elderly Black person, reflecting an aging process marked by inequalities, prejudices, and discrimination. This study underscores the concern with the various barriers faced by elderly Black individuals, emphasizing the urgency of promoting effective and comprehensive public policies that break the entrenched structures of power and privilege that perpetuate inequalities.


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Biografia do Autor

Emanuel Miranda de Santana Oliveira, Federal University of Pernambuco

Master’s student in the Postgraduate Program in Gerontology (PPGERO) at the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE). Holds a degree in Psychology from the Faculty of Human Sciences of Olinda and a Specialisation in Psychology, Adult and Elderly Health. Currently works as a Clinical Psychologist and, as a researcher, studies topics such as Psychoanalysis, Older People, Gender, Race, and Suicide.


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Como Citar

Oliveira, E. M. de S., Melo, H. M. de A., Silva, A. B., Caporal, L. de F. R., Asano, N. M. J., & Melo, D. de A. P. (2024). Aging, race, and inequalities: challenges and injustices in the experience of black elderly people in Brazil. Concilium, 24(19), 168–186. Recuperado de


