Facial rejuvenation: a bibliometric analysis



Facial rejuvenation, facial harmonization, facial fillers, bibliometric analysis


The escalating demand for facial rejuvenation (FR) procedures has paralleled a surge in scientific publications dedicated to this domain. This study aimed to carry out a bibliometric analysis of scientific articles concerning FR. To this effect, a search was carried out to identify all the articles on this topic in the Thomson Reuters Web of Science (WoS) database up to December 2023. Three researchers selected the scientific articles. The title, authors, country, year of publication, language, WoS category, title of scientific journals, topic of interest, and number of citations were extracted from each article. The search resulted in 2.214 published scientific articles. The articles found were published from 1979 onward, with the largest number published in 2020. The 100 most cited articles about FR were produced by groups of authors from the United States of America (56%). The scientific journal Dermatologic Surgery published 51 articles among the 100 most cited about FR. The analysis of citations revealed useful and interesting information about the scientific progress on this topic, with the last decade being the most productive, and articles related to techniques used in facial rejuvenation procedures having the highest citation rates.



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Como Citar

Costa , M. T. S. da ., Freitas , G. P. ., Perazzo , M. F. ., Borba , A. M. ., & Lopes, H. B. (2024). Facial rejuvenation: a bibliometric analysis. Concilium, 24(19), 49–71. Recuperado de https://clium.org/index.php/edicoes/article/view/4160


