Fetal head-to-perineum distance as a predictor of successful vaginal delivery: a secondary analysis of intrapartum ultrasound data

Distância da cabeça fetal ao períneo como preditor do parto vaginal: análise secundária de dados de ultrassom intraparto



Intrapartum Ultrasound, Fetal Head-to-perineum distance, Vaginal delivery, Secondary analysis, Labor Management, Predictive Accuracy


Purpose: The primary aim of this secondary analysis is to assess the clinical utility of intrapartum ultrasound measurements of the fetal head-to-perineum distance (HPD) as a predictor for successful vaginal delivery.Methods: This secondary analysis was conducted on a cross-sectional study involving 33 pregnant women admitted for labor. HPD was measured using intrapartum ultrasound by certified sonographers. Additional variables such as age, BMI, and gestational age were also considered. Results: Our findings reveal a significant relationship between HPD and the occurrence of vaginal delivery. The odds ratio was calculated as 0.60 (95% Confidence Interval: 0.42-0.88), remaining significant after adjusting for other variables.Conclusion: In this secondary analysis, HPD measurements via intrapartum ultrasound were found to effectively predict the likelihood of vaginal delivery. This method offers a streamlined approach for labor management without sacrificing predictive accuracy.


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Biografia do Autor

Juliana Barros do Valle

Juliana Barros do Valle

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1581-9663

Professora de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia, Escola de Medicina IDOMED Estácio, Jaraguá do Sul, Brasil

E-mail: julianabvalle@gmail.com

Eduardo Duarte Pinto Godoy

Eduardo Duarte Pinto Godoy
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0000-0000-0000
Professor de Ortopedia, Escola de Medicina IDOMED Estácio, Jaraguá do Sul, Brasil
E-mail: edugodoy86@hotmail.com


Jean Silva

Jean Carl Silva
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3094-8180
Professor, Programa de Pós-graduação em Saúde e Meio Ambiente, Univille, Joinville, Brasil
E-mail: jeancarlsilva@gmail.com



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