Profiles of physical education teachers: an analysis on social networks
Perfis de professoras de educação física: uma análise nas redes sociais
Physical Education, Body, Social networksResumo
The present study aimed to observe, analyze and correlate online materials, from profiles on the social network Instagram, which showed different patterns of Physical Education teachers and their influences. For this, the investigated of this study were two users who have profiles focused on the practice of Physical Education, and had their profiles observed, with investigation of the netnographic type, and later separated into post-determined categories. With the result we observed how the two distinct profiles attribute distinct meaning to health. From this analysis, one can observe and conclude that social networks have great influence on the body pattern that is stipulated by society, since Instagram is a great ally in the spread of information.
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Manual de citas y referencias bibliográficas: latino, APA, Chicago, IEEE, MLA, Vancouver (Margarita Pérez, Manuel Romero, Ella Suárez, Nicolás Vaughan):