Bioactivity of hydrolysates obtained from buffalo caseinate using macambira (Bromelia laciniosa L.) proteases
Bioatividade de hidrolisados obtidos a partir de caseinato bubalino utilizando proteases de macambira (Bromelia laciniosa L.)
Antioxidant activity, Bromelain, Casein, PhytoproteaseResumo
Bromelain refers to a set of proteases with the ability to break peptide bonds, presenting several industrial applications. The present work aimed to obtain and evaluate protein hydrolysates from buffalo casein after the action of bromelain extracted from macambira (Bromelia laciniosa). Proteolytic activity was determined using azocasein as substrate. Total protein was determined using the Lowry method. The enzyme extract was partially purified and protein hydrolysates were obtained from buffalo caseinate through experimental design. It was found that bromelain promoted hydrolysis that varied between 14.47 and 19.43% and only the caseinate concentration was significant in the experimental field studied. All hydrolysates showed antioxidant activity by two methods used. The hydrolysates obtained did not show antimicrobial activity against the microorganisms tested. The bromelain obtained has the potential to obtain protein hydrolysates, with antioxidant activity, which can, after further studies, be added to functional foods.
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