Accuracy of arm circumference in the diagnosis of overweight in six-year-old children
Acurácia da circunferência de braço no diagnóstico do excesso de peso em crianças de seis anos de idade
Arm circumference, Overweight, Child obesity, Body mass indexResumo
The aim was to estimate the accuracy of arm circumference in diagnosing overweight among a sample of Brazilian children. A cross-sectional study involving 1,026 six-year-old children from Palhoça, Santa Catarina, was conducted. The correlation between arm circumference and body mass index was assessed using Pearson's correlation coefficient. Accuracy was evaluated using the Receiver Operator Curve and its corresponding confidence interval. A correlation of 0.634 and a coefficient of determination of 0.402 were observed. The overall accuracy was 85.4%. Sensitivity values for the most prevalent measures were 17.0% in males and 20.7% in females. The overall accuracy of 85.4% and the low sensitivity values of the most prevalent measures highlight the need for further studies on this diagnostic method in Brazilian populations.
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