Low-cost residential automation for houses already built using FlutterFlow and ESP-01

Automação residencial de baixo custo para casas já construídas utilizando FlutterFlow e ESP-01



Home automation, ESP-01, Firebase, FlutterFlow, Internet of things


With technological advancements and the demand for solutions that promote convenience, security, and energy efficiency, home automation has gained prominence. However, the high cost and complexity of integrating devices remain challenges. This work proposes a functional, efficient, accessible, and easy-to-implement home automation system using the FlutterFlow platform and the Firebase database. Based on the incremental innovation of Schumpeter and Freeman, the system uses the ESP-01 Wi-Fi module to automate common devices, integrating them with virtual assistants like Alexa. The methodology involves theoretical analysis and the development of a functional prototype. The cost was significantly low, and the system allows for future improvements, such as the integration of new tools and devices, thus expanding the possibilities for accessible and practical home automation.


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