Copaiba oil on dentistry: a scoping review
Óleo de copaíba na odontologia:uma revisão de escopo
Phytotheraphy;, Copaifera, Biomaterials;, Dental Materials.Resumo
Copaiba oil is a natural product commonly employed in traditional medicine due to qualities as anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial mainly. On dentistry, studies have focused on the use of copaiba in cavity varnishes, endodontic cements, bacterial biofilm control and even in the composition of local anesthetics. The aim of this study was to investigate on the use of copaiba oil within dental specialties. The search was conducted on databases using the primary keywords ‘Copaifera’ and ‘Dentistry’ resulting in 687 studies. Was observed that Copaifera multijuga was the most prevalent species in the evaluated articles, endodontics was the most presente dental specialty in publications. Antimicrobial tests and biocompatibility tests was most prevalents. Based on the results of this study, despite the limited number of evaluated works, it can be concluded that over the years, copaiba has been increasingly used in dentistry, yielding promising results such as the development of new bioproducts that combine copaiba's pharmacological characteristics without compromising the necessary physical attributes for clinical use.
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