Multinational subsidiary's search for legitimacy: the isomorphism dilemma

Busca por legitimidade de subsidiária de empresa multinacional: o dilema do isomorfismo



Organizational Theory, Multinational Firm, Firm strategy, Business Strategy, Entry strategy, Strategic Management


The development of companies is limited by institutions that create common paths for all companies, such as the need for mimetic isomorphism. However, when it comes to multinational companies (MNCs), this reality is more complex. These companies face pressure at the global level (from the headquarters and other subsidiaries). Our proposal aims to elucidate how MNCs use the principles of organizational fields in their strategy for entering new markets. We investigate Amazon's entry strategy into the Brazilian market, assessing its level of isomorphism, decoupling, and legitimation. A single case study was conducted on Amazon's entry into Brazil to analyze the consistency of Kostova, Roth & Dacin's (2008) propositions concerning the neoinstitutional theory of organizational fields. Our analysis identified five types of strategies for legitimation in the organizational field: legitimation, synergy, endorsement, innovation, and adaptation, all observed in practice in the case.


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Biografia do Autor

Renato Santos, Fundação Getulio Vargas

Graduado em Administração em 2011 pela UNIÃO EDUCACIONAL E TECNOLOGICA IMPACTA-UNI.IMPACTA LTDA. Em 2016 tornou-se mestre em Administração de Empresas, pela Fundação Getúlio Vargas - SP onde pesquisou os Drivers de Inovação de Modelos de Negócio. Em 2021, obteve o doutorado em Administração de Empresas pela Fundação Getúlio Vargas - SP onde pesquisou O Papel Moderador dos Aspectos Culturais na Relação Matriz X Subsidiária de Empresas Multinacionais. Atua na Faculdade Impacta desde 2015, sendo que, desde 2020 exerce a Coordenação do CST em Processos Gerenciais e do Bacharelado em Administração.


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